Your current annual salary

You can obtain information about your annual salary on the SAP Corporate Portal: SAP Portal > Employee Services > Me at SAP > My Rewards > Overview tab.

The frequency of your bonus/commission payments

Please choose either monthly, quarterly or annually.

Your bonus/commission payment amounts

If you do not know the exact amount of your bonus/commission payments, enter your best estimate now. Then reuse this tool once you know the exact amount to see if your results change.

The pre-tax and/or Roth percentages you are contributing on your salary and your bonus/commission

Log on to your account at and choose Contributions under the Plan Summary tab to find these percentages. Or you can contact a Vanguard Participant Services associate by calling HRdirect at 866-HR AT SAP. Select Option 2 for the U.S. menu options, and then press 1 to be connected to Vanguard. Vanguard Participant Services associates are available through HRdirect Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.

The amount you have contributed so far this year

Log on to your account at and choose Contributions under the Plan Summary tab to find this information. If you have contributed to a previous employer's retirement plan this year, enter the total amount you contributed to your previous plan plus the total you have contributed to the SAP plan to date this year.

The SAP company match you have received so far this year

Log on to your account at and choose Contributions under the Plan Summary tab to find this amount.

The SAP company match you expect to receive at the end of this quarter

Company match for the current quarter is not recorded until it is paid. For the most accurate strategy, include the amount of company match you expect to receive at the end of this quarter. The SAP company match is $0.75 for each $1 you contribute up to 6% of your semimonthly pay. The maximum company match you can receive in a year is 4.5% of your annual pay (75% of your 6% semimonthly contribution).

Catch-up contributions

Catch-up contributions are available for participants nearing retirement who may require additional funding in their plans in order to meet their retirement needs. If you expect to continue making your basic contribution at the maximum level and can afford an additional contribution, catch-up contributions can be an important tool to help build your retirement nest egg.

Current tax law allows participants who are age 50 or will turn 50 by year-end and who are contributing at their current plan maximum to make additional $7,500 pre tax contribution to their plan. There is no company match on catch-up contributions.